Tarma, whose father was a decorated soldier,
immediately entered the Officers Academy of Special Tactics and
Battle upon his graduation from junior high. He was assigned to
PF Squad after rescuing the President when at the age of twenty.
Here he met and befriended his best friend, Marco. In the Great
War, he found out Marco was selected for the counter offensive
against Morden and volunteered for the operation.
He fought alongside Marco through until
the end of this fearsome battle, rising through the ranks with
Marco to reach captain. Taking part in the suppression of the
second coup, he saved Marco's bacon and made a name for himself.
Second Mission completed, Tarma, following Marco's lead, chose
to resign his commission, and similarly stayed on with his compadre
after Marco "reconsidered" his resignation. In private, the tightly
wound Marco frequently lets loose, but as a warrior, he receives
the highest respect.
Tarma's hobby is customizing motorcycles,
at which he outshines the best of them. After First Mission against
the dreaded Morden, he planned to go into the bike business, but
put his plans on hold after suffering the desperate pleas of his
spineless boss.